The Kingdom of God is Personal

‘The kingdom of God is within you.’  The reign of God in me is letting God take control of my life, so that this day, and each day, I live to please God.  Nothing more, nothing less.  I make his laws my laws; his will my will; his outlook my outlook.  No longer do I make decisions on the old basis of selfishness, ease, pleasure, or personal desire but on the new basis of righteousness, truth, and love.  Is it the kind of thing Jesus would say or do?  If so, go ahead, for by so doing the kingdom of God comes a little nearer to being realized here on earth.

Fundación Efraín – Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry with SOUND doctrine through WordPress blogs, discipleship material, and sharing God’s Word.

Fundación Efraín – capacitando a los santos para la obra del ministerio con la SANA doctrina a través de las entradas en el blog de WordPress, los materiales de discipulado, y compartir la Palabra de Dios.

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