It was Christ’s Lofty Vision to Make a Beautiful World

It was a vision far off of a nobler humanity, of Courage and Heroism, of Righteousness and Love, of true men and pure women, of kindly hearts and helpful hands, of Knights of God going out to sweep oppression from the earth, to pull the poor sinful world straight.  It was Jesus’ vision of a Golden Age on earth, a Kingdom where a righteous, loving God should rule and where men should by love serve on another.

Let the sweet, fair vision rise before you.  Christ’s ideal for His Church.  A band of loyal hearts following Him for love of Him, then trustfully stepping out with Him off the edge of the world into the thrilling adventure of the Hereafter.  Of all the romantic expeditions which this world has seen, there is none more romantic than this to which Jesus called men by the Galilean lake long ago, and to which He is calling them…today. (From A people’s Life of Christ by J. Paterson-Smyth, italics added)

As regards this kingdom, where do I stand?  Can I say:

Just as I am, young, strong and free,

To be the best that I can be

For truth, and righteousness, and Thee,

Lord of my life, I come.

  1. Farningham (d.1909)

Fundación Efraín – Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry with SOUND doctrine through WordPress blogs, discipleship material, and sharing God’s Word.

Fundación Efraín – capacitando a los santos para la obra del ministerio con la SANA doctrina a través de las entradas en el blog de WordPress, los materiales de discipulado, y compartir la Palabra de Dios.

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