Your burning bush experience

In Exodus 3, God appears to Moses speaking to him from the midst of a burning bush. What an encounter! His instructions were to tell the children of Israel that the Great I AM had sent him and that He was going to deliver them from their afflictions. Yeah, right!

We have an equally daunting assignment today. It’s our responsibility to tell those in bondage around us that I AM is present to deliver them. But, it’s impossible to deliver such a message without a life changing encounter with Him.

Who is I AM to you? I AM your healer, I AM your comforter, I AM your provider, I AM your strength…

It requires a personal revelation. There’s no power in talking about the Jesus whom Paul preaches like the sons of Sceva did.

God is sending YOU with a message of deliverance to the captives along your path. He says to tell them I AM.

Who are you going to tell them sent you?


Fundacion Efrain is Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry through its WordPress blogs, discipleship material, and sharing God’s Word.

Fundación Efraín equipa a los santos para la obra del ministerio a través de sus entradas en el blog de WordPress, material de discipulado, y compartir la Palabra de Dios.

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